What would you do if you found yourself left by your husband, no means of income, and not able to communicate because you do not speak the language? What if police came to your door and took your five children from your arms and you did not understand what was going on?
This is what happened to Noelia. When she came to Agape, her children had been taken away from her nine months previously. She had spiraled into a pit of total anguish and despair. She decided that the only thing left to do was take her own life. She was beyond any hope that she would ever have or see her children again. The pain was too great to bear.

Carolyn, Noelia’s bilingual advocate
At Agape, her hope was restored in God and in humanity. She was partnered with two different volunteers. One volunteer helped her through her journey of prayer and spiritual healing. The other became a bilingual advocate for court hearings, DHS meetings, and legal appointments.

Prayer Volunteer, Sherry, with Noelia