My Agape Story: The Geisel Family
By Karissa Geisel
Tyler and I had been married for 1 year before finding out we were pregnant. I remember taking a home test. Positive. When I told my husband, I was so ecstatic but completely terrified. We were 20 years old at the time, 11 hours away from ANY family, and still barely making solid friendships, we were scared. In my head, I had the assumption that an “at home test” was just about the same as taking my temperature at home. I felt pregnant, had all the early signs, but until someone with experience told me that I was pregnant, then there was still a chance I was just feeling off and the tests weren’t accurate.

I called a recommended OB/GYN and they scheduled an appointment for me that was 8 weeks away. That’s a long time to wait. After getting off the phone, I realized I just wanted someone who had experience to tell me and my husband, “This is great, let me help you!”
And then I stumbled upon Agape.
I don’t remember anyone’s names or even what exactly they said, but my husband, Tyler, and I will always remember the way they made us feel. When the lady who took my test came back with results, I remember just how excited she was for us. At first, I thought that was odd because she didn’t know us, but then I remember how happy I was that she was excited for this new life too. She made us feel so comfortable with the idea that we were pregnant. She made us feel so loved – as if this baby were a grandbaby of her own.
Then they took us to get an ultrasound and explained to us the exact reason why they were giving us a free ultrasound. To see our baby. The baby we made. The baby GOD created. I remember laying there and seeing the tiny baby on the screen. They felt it was so important for us to hear the baby’s heartbeat. We heard with our own ears the life that was inside of me and that is what I needed. I needed someone to come along side of us and say, “This is great, let me help you!”
I will always remember the way they showed God’s love through everything they did that day and the in the appointments to follow. I remember the volunteer handing me a blue blanket for my “new” baby. A volunteer had made it just for us. We still have that blanket 5 years later! The ladies I met that day showed loved for our whole family- all 3 of us!