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Redeemed & Restored

Dia 5

Redeemed & Restored

Por Leanna Simpson
1 John 3:14 - We know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love the brothers. Whoever does not love abides in death.

We are so grateful that you have joined us this week for our intentional focus on the testimonies of the goodness of our God and His work.

Today, we will share a powerful story of God’s work through a testimony from one of AGAPE’s clients:

She had just found out that she was facing another unplanned pregnancy and was feeling very alone and overwhelmed. Then, the phone rang. The AGAPE team member was calling about their Mother’s Day photo shoot. She couldn’t help but break down and cry. She has never been able to afford professional photos for my boys or my family.

She thought, “Wow, maybe I am not alone after all.”

She was excited but quickly remembered that she had nothing to match her boys’ new Easter shirts. With only a few dollars and a fleeting prayer, she decided to go to the local thrift store to see if she could find something that she could afford to match her boys. She had $3. That’s it, just $3. Then She saw the perfect dress and it was just her size! When she looked at the price tag, she couldn’t believe it. $1.79. She thought to myself, “Maybe there is a God who sees… and maybe He sees me.

God was drawing her. She had joined the Alpha Bible program at AGAPE. She was asking a lot of questions about God, Who He is, how He works, and what His plan was for her. We could see He was working in her heart and in her life.

On Mother’s Day, the father of her children collapsed. She called “911” and he was rushed by ambulance and admitted into the hospital. The news was unexpected and profoundly grave. Cancer unknowingly had ravaged his body. He has been given weeks to live.

The next week, she shared with the staff the terrible prognosis and everything that is currently happening with his health and her life circumstances.

As she looked straight into our eyes, she said with tears streaming down her face, “But there is one good thing. I want you to know that I choose Christ. I have accepted Him as my Savior. I know that no matter what comes, I will never be alone.”

We stand in every room. We watch Him do what only He can do. We don’t write stories and we don’t change lives; He does.

We must collectively remind one another that no schemes of hell can ever stop the power of our God. Any denial of His existence, His power, His creation, and what He values are continually invalidated through the evidential proof of His power in the lives that are redeemed and restored through the supernatural power of His Spirit.

No one is ever outside of His reach. He loves you. Trust in Him today.

Escritura adicional: 1 John 3: 1-24

Canción de adoración: Believe for It by CeCe Winans