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A Mother’s Journey of Hope

Day 3

A Mother’s Journey of Hope

By Leanna Simpson
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.

In life, the right thing to do is often the hardest. Quite often, our anxieties and fears tell us to take control of a situation because we think we can handle it better than our God. Join me now in listening to a mother’s heart of love and sacrifice under the most difficult of obstacles… this is Alesia’s story.

Alesia and her husband walked into Agape overwhelmed. With five children to feed including a newborn baby, they could not believe that they might be pregnant once again. In shock, they found themselves leaving Agape with an ultrasound picture, some baby items, and new comfort. They were adding to their family once again. They weren’t sure how they were going to do it, but they knew that, somehow, things would be all right.

Little did they know that their unexpected journey would bring more twists, turns, and surprises than they ever could have imagined.

The pregnancy appeared to be going normally. When Alesia and her husband went to the doctor for their week 20 ultrasound, the clinician informed them that there was something very wrong with baby Hollie. They saw three masses on the baby’s right lung, placing pressure on her heart, left lung, and more. The masses were making it difficult to breathe and for her organs to develop appropriately. They couldn’t believe it! How could this be happening?

They were sent to a specialist. The specialist’s demeanor was grave, informing them that their unborn child had three fluid-filled cysts on her lungs. “They could rupture at any time; most people would terminate,” he said. Even though they knew abortion was never an option, the thought of delivering a stillborn was heartbreaking. What should we do? After a few moments of deliberation, they knew: we will choose the hard road.

Around 25 weeks, the doctors began to fear for both the life of the baby and Alesia. Signs of preeclampsia were beginning to manifest. What had begun as an unexpected pregnancy was now a medical crisis with two lives on the line. We will choose the hard road.

At 34 weeks, Alesia’s preeclampsia could not be ignored, and she was induced to deliver. Her health began to stabilize after delivery and baby Hollie seemed to be doing fine in the NICU with oxygen support. Two days after Hollie was born, one of the cysts on her lungs ruptured. Her lung collapsed and air leaked out into her chest cavity. Hollie’s life was in the balance. She was rushed into surgery. We will choose the hard road… no matter what comes.

Hollie, by God’s divine choosing, was spared. Her life was preserved. The doctors were baffled. If Alesia had not had pre-eclampsia and needed an emergency induction, she would have delivered a stillborn baby Hollie.

Man could not see what was to come… but God could, and He chose to save two lives. He chose to heal two people. He chose to show a family and a team of doctors, nurses, and hospitalists that God is still the Great Physician – the giver and preserver of ALL life. 

Baby Hollie was in the hospital for four weeks to stabilize and heal. She went home with oxygen for breathing support. The doctors encouraged Alesia to breastfeed baby Hollie, as this was the best thing for her continued healing. The doctors were unaware that Alesia had never been able to produce milk to nurse any of her children. God, we trust you… and we will choose the hard road.

God, once again, made a way. What had been impossible before became possible for the first time.

About a month ago, baby Hollie was taken off oxygen. She is doing well and growing big! She still has 2 cysts on her lung. We continue to pray that God will preserve, protect, and heal baby Hollie!

This story testifies to the fact that every day we walk an uncertain road. We do not know what tomorrow will bring, but we know Who holds tomorrow. In all things, every crossroad and valley, every mountaintop and winding road, we know that no matter what may come, God is on His throne, and He is so, so good!

Additional Scripture: Psalms 62, 1 John 5:1-12